Saturday, April 2, 2011

An Argument for Travel During Turbulent Times -

Fred posting from Dallas.  I have always enjoyed the writings of Paul Theroux...a wonderful travel writer that has been writing about travel for decades.  Attaching an article from the Times he published yesterday.  Are there dangers when traveling, particularly in hotspots or troubled countries?  Absolutely, but most of those dangers can be avoided with common sense.  I believe there are also dangers in not traveling: complacency, missing out on so many wonderful experiences and cultures, not realizing that people everywhere are by and large decent and peace-loving.  Most dangerous of all, however, is my belief that when we don't travel we believe our country and our society has all the answers, does everything the best, and everywhere else may be nice but is a distant second to our utopia at home.  We are trying to teach our children that there is a whole world out there...full of adventure...waiting for them.  My commentary for today!  fjd

An Argument for Travel During Turbulent Times -

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