Monday, January 10, 2011

The First Week

Fred posting from Dallas.  Uneventful trip back Friday.  Above picture taken as we walked to the train station for me to catch a night train to Milan.  A little drizzly my last night there, but still the city magical with lights, lots of people, and stone everywhere...the streets, the buildings, the monuments.  We packed a lot in during our first week there and I think Renee and the kids are feeling pretty settled and ready to go. 

Last afternoon I was there we toured the ancient church of Santa Croce which is on the piazza where our apartment is; as Renee mentioned in her last post saw the tombs of Gallileo and Dante and Michelangelo.  So much art and creativity and beauty in this city hundreds of years later.  Fascinating that all this talent came out of this small region of the world over the course of a couple hundred years, igniting Europe's renaissance. 

The boys started school today...hopefully they will start posting their observations in the coming days. 

Beautiful flight home...below taken as I flew over northern Italy or Switzerland...the western Alps I presume.