Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rduff in Russia

 Rduff and frinz on a huge pile of snow. There was about two feet of snow in Novingrod, so that was fun..even if I was not very prepared with my clothes.
The queen of Russia's summer house...nice

Berestra Palace

Questo รจ Ryan. I just returned from Russia. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. For the first 4 days, we went to St. Petersburg, and the last 3 we went to Novingrod. The trip was a MUN conference. MUN is Model United Nations. So, I was pretending to be a delegate from South Korea. Preparing for the conference was difficult, but actually lobbying and debating was fun and enjoyable. A few times I did drift off into sleep though because of the lack of sleep from the previous night. Aside from the conference, meeting new people was very fun too. I made friends with many people from Egypt, Panama, and other countries. At night we would stay up and hang out in other people's room and the hallways. I'm going to miss doing that. We also toured quite a few museums including the Hermitage, which was nice....I guess?  They were interesting at first, but at the end I had had basta ("enough" in Italian). We also saw some ballet and traditional Russian dancing. This was a very unique time for me, because I have never gone on any trips like this with people my age. It was fun pretending to be in the UN. It was also a great bonding experience- I made friends with a lot of people at the school that I never would have expected being friends with. NOICE RDUFF NOICE